Vid catering förfråga maila till oss.

gäller fram till 15/8 


Tisdag till torsdag 16.00-20.00
fredag 16.00-21.00

lördag 13.00-21.00

söndag 16.00-20.00

Vi bakar pizza fram till en halv timma innan vi stänger (gäller kvälls tid)


Bokning gäller efter bekräftelse från oss

Neapolitan pizza (Italian: pizza napoletana) is considered to be by far the most preserved tradition in pizza baking and today has a protected status granted by the Italian standardization body administered by the Associazione Vera Pizza napoletana (AVPN).

In 2017, Neapolitan pizza received UNESCO recognition, which means that the manufacturing method and the final product received cultural heritage status.

We are very happy and proud that we managed to get our business certified by AVPN and can call our pizza authentic Neapolitan. This certifies that we follow Neapolitan traditions in pizza baking and that we also meet the strict requirements placed on their members in terms of recipes and ingredients.

For you as our customer, this means that you are always guaranteed to be served an authentic Neapolitan pizza.

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